Polytheistic Monism - Divine Theurgy - Oracle to the Gods
The Theurgic Ritual of the Pentagram
Although there are many elements that you will add to this central ritual of Theurgic ritual praxis, this ritual is the central course of Theurgic alignment. This is built from the Pentagram ritual that is used in the Golden Dawn system of attainment , although greatly modified for our school. After performing the Ritual of the Pentagram well into the thousands of times over the last 30 years my ability to understand its visionary purpose came very clear to me.
The Ritual has the following goals
To align the Theurgist with the Absolute unity, The Divine Infinite Being, The One, the Supreme Ultimate Reality.
To associate the Will directly with the Will of the Creator of the Universe.
To awaken the body of light, and the “souls first vehicle” the astral plane, the Imaginal world of our divinatory natures.
To banish and invoke the raw elements of fire, water, air and earth, purifying them in the refining perfection of the Dēmiurgós.
To invoke the divine double, the HGA, the personal Daimōn. The one who sees with spiritual eyes.
To prepare for the pronouncements, the prayers, the grand invocations of the Archetypal spiritual agencies.
Most importantly, to give the Theurgist a daily transformative, spiritual alchemy they are can to continue the Hero’s quest as Theurgist, aligned with the Dēmiurgós, a Cosmos within a Cosmos. As Plato would say, a Microcosm within a Macrocosm.
Working with most every ritual at one time or another from other Mystery traditions, I found my way back to the Ritual of the Pentagram time and time again. For our school, we have centralized all other Theurgic rites to be held within the framework of this one important ritual praxis. The ritual of the Pentagram is something that brings new experiences, grander visions and progress in the Great Work continuously. The more you perform them, especially in close proximity, the further esoteric knowledge is revealed. Not discursively but directly, through identification with your eternal nature within an infinite Cosmos.
When performing this ritual, you need to build up the imaginal aspects and hold them within your mind all together. What I mean by this is as the visuals of the ritual are invoked, they are to remain within your imaginal focus as you add the other elements moving through the ritual. As you read how to perform this ritual below, understand something now so that it will always make sense moving forward. The reason you perform a ritual every day, and say over 60 days for example, is so that you can continue this goal of holding every single predicate of the ritual in your astral body, your imaginal self all together at once. Those that have performed for a few weeks working on this exact process know well where I am going with this. You will continue to experience different aspects of the ritual together and will experience an exaltation of their purpose as they continue to combine and you continue to hold them within your astral body.
There is always a dual purpose to the central aspects of the Ritual of the Pentagram. Firstly is to banish. This is a cleansing, a clearing, a purifying. Secondly is to invoke, this is an enriching, a fortifying a deep balancing. Every single day you should be performing a banishing. This is just as important to the Theurgist as daily prayer is to the Priest. You are both aligning and purifying your relationship to the totality state of existence, the One, our Divine Infinite Being. Your invocations could take many different forms. There are standard invocations that are done during every Pentagram Ritual. They are the “Alignments” with the Cosmos and our HGA or personal Daimōn. These standard invocations coupled with banishing on a daily basis will begin to majorly transform your life. Then there is the journey of the Theurgist through ROTA, the Astrological wheel of the Tarot. This is where you will invoke the eternal forms, the archetypes and the Daimōns following the alchemical formula of ROTA. You can see the ritual formula of our Theurgic rights here.
When you are pronouncing the invocations and banishings you want to take in three deep breaths right at first and then between each divine name resonated. Hold the sign of silence between each with one finger to the lips and you draw them in. You want to imagine that your breath is drawing in light and distributing throughout your body and breathing out focus on the ritual’s imaginal predicates.
Now this is very important. There is a vertical experience that is drawn from performing the ritual of the Pentagram. When you are resonating the names you want to listen for the octave. An octave is the same tone as your voice only up 7 notes to the next octave. They are the same note, just separated by scale. When you condition your voice to work with a sonorous effect, you will hear this octave. You will hear your own voice and this octave that is above it. This does take practice, but in person I am able to show how to do this quite easily. Once you hear it, then you turn your attention to “the octave that does not exist”. What I mean by this, is you now listen for a 3rd octave. This octave you can not hear, but you have the first two, so your ability to imagine this 3rd octave will stimulate your visionary experience. As you listen for what you can not hear, you will begin to see what you can not normally see. This process in your resonate performance will stimulate the visionary experience.
Performing the Theurgic Ritual of the Pentagram
Stand in the center of your ritual circle. You are welcome to face any direction you want. Older versions were very specific about starting facing east, but what matters is that you stick to the direction you choose to start as continuous as possible for all your ritual work.
'Ehye 'ăšer 'Ehye- Identification with the Divine Infinite Being, Self/God Archetype, Atman Purusha Atman. I am that I am.
Ehye: eeeeeeeehhhhheeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaa
Put your finger to the center of your forehead. Within your imaginal body create a brilliant white light above your head, as if the bottom of it was resting on your finger with its bottom curve imagined to be at the very center of your physical brain. As you resonate the following invocation imagine this light being drawn into you, into your very center at the heart. Focus on the Unlimited Unity and the Self as one eternal source “I am (Purusha Atman) that I am (Atman)".
YHVH - Alignment with the Divine Will of the Dēmiurgós, “Proximity”, the very center of being, the source. The Male Father God. The Strength of the Creator.
Yehova - yyyyyeeeeeeehhhhhoooooovvvvvaaaaaa
Think of this quote from Rishi Osho, “Man has no center separate from the whole”. Realize it’s Truth, your Will is the Divine Will of the Creator of the Universe the Dēmiurgós.
Elohim - The Cosmic Horizon, the Womb of Space, the Spherical Greatest boundary.
Elohim: eeeeeeelllllllllooooooohhhhhhiiiiiiimmmmmmm
Here you want to focus on being at the very center of the Cosmic Horizon of the Universe, just as you most assuredly are. The Cosmic Horizon is where the material universe projects back in on vibrating strings of energy. The counterpart to this is the collective unconscious, the world of the infinite eternal archetypes. For this relation and logic please see our central doctrine. This is the great Mother principle. The Womb of Space, the Goddess Nuit Queen of infinite Space. The infinite plurality, Shakti, the divine energy of the Cosmos.
Rada Krishna - The interplay of the infinite divine forms and archetypes, the incarnated personal form of the most high. The highest of love, the divine lovers in their eternal play.
Rada Krishna - Raaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaakrrriiiishshshshshsnaaaaaaa
This is the father and mother in their most personal form. This is the eternal love in the infinite play of the Cosmos, the romance of the divine lovers in their lila (play). Krishna is all the infinite forms of expression, every archetype, and Rada the embrace of the eternal love of the Cosmos, receiving Krishna’s beauty in an eternal surrender. It is this relationship that is the Theurgists love for the Divine Infinite Being and in extension all beings.
Helios - The Atman, the most sacred internal fire, the body’s light being. The drawing is of the descent of the HGA, the personal Daimōn.
Helios: Hhheeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeooooosssss
Helios is the Theurgist's direct identification with the Solar Logos. The Genius, body of light within, the biophotonic emission from every DNA nucleus. There is an objective body of light, the Theurgist experiences “from it ”. We cover the science behind this body of light in our central doctrine. When resonating you want to use the element of fire imaginally to stimulate your awareness of this light body, you want to identify with it, experience from it. While you are holding this form in your astral body, you want to draw in from the Cosmic Horizon the awareness of your eternal, infinite divine self , you want to feel it descend from the horizon from all directions to you spherically. This as well, has an objective nature, we cover this in our central doctrine. You “are” the body of light, the solar Logos. You “are” eternal and infinite in your daimōnic nature. This divine double that is infinite, is you, and you are experiencing as the body of light. Both objective, both united as one.
Prōtogónos - Phanes the first born, emerging from the womb, Androgen, the body of light and the spherical star vehicle are one. - The Assent and infinite flux.
Prōtogónos - Prrrroooooootooooogooooonooooossssss
Now fully descended as infinite and eternal, experiencing from the body of light, You emerge from the first principle, born androgen, not male or female, but both. You identify with your personal boundary as infinite, eternal and rooted in the body of light, virgin to the visionary experience, ready to receive from the Arche, you ascend to that place where the past, present, and future are one. You enter flux, ascending and descending at the same time.
Aligning the Elements with the Dēmiurgós
Now you are going to banish and purify and/or invoke the 4 elements in their raw natural forms. These are represented by the Aces in the Tarot, the initial onrush of the element. In doing so you are putting the 4 elements in concert, unity and alignment with the Creator of the Universe, the Dēmiurgós. You will draw four Pentagrams with your dagger/sword when banishing and with your wand when invoking. They are drawn directly in front of you, directly behind you, to your left and to your right. When drawing them you want to face each direction, draw the Pentagram, take in 3 deep breaths, holding the sign of science, and then turn to the next direction.
When you draw the pentagram, you move towards the element when invoking and away from the element when banishing. You want to become consistent with drawing the pentagrams in the air. They should be around ½ of your height with their top points just above your head. You want to imagine, now aligned with the divine names in the previous step, that you are drawing the Pentagrams with energy, if helpful, with fire built up from the initial invocations. This part is extremely important as many that have practiced this ritual have not experienced the incredible power that is realized through this part of the process. As you draw the Pentagrams you are projecting the Divine Will to the very first point of the Pentagram, you need to imagine that there is a force coming opposite from you that is drawing the Pentagram with you from an infinite source. It is the pressure between the two forces, the Theurgist, and the eternal infinite being that empowers the Pentagrams with an extreme energy.
When you resonate with the divine names you want to imagine this energy in flux between your instrument of art (dagger/wand) and the infinite being as you draw the Pentagram. You should draw the Pentagram starting with the first sound of your voice and be done just as you are finishing the resonation.
Element of fire,
Pronounce: “Element of fire, I purify and set you in service of the Creator of the Universe”
Pyros Demiurgos: Pyyyyyroooossss Deeeeemiiiiiurrrrrgoooossssss
Element of water
Pronounce: "Element of water, I purify and set you in service of the Creator of the Universe"
Húdōr Demiurgos: Huuuuudooooorrrr Deeeeemiiiiiurrrrrgoooossssss
Element of air
Pronounce: "Element of air, I purify and set you in service of the Creator of the Universe"
Aer Demiurgos: aaaaaeeeeeeerrrrrrrr Deeeeemiiiiiurrrrrgoooossssss
Element of earth
Pronounce: "Element of earth, I purify and set you in service of the Creator of the Universe"
Gaea Demiurgos: gaaaaaeeeeeeeeaaa Deeeeemiiiiiurrrrrgoooossssss
Invocation of the Guardian daimōns
These are represented by the twos of the suit cards of the Tarot. They are the divine presence of the highest daimōnic nature, they are the helping spirits, the divine aids to everyday principle activities. They are your protectors. Other systems utilize the 4 Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. I find these to be very acceptable substitutions, but prefer the Greek daimōns versions. It is up to the Theurgist of what they would like to use.
Fire (Tarot - Dominion) - Mars in Aries
Pronounce: "Kratos, the Dominion of spirit, then I invoke"
Kratos: krrrraaaaatooooosssssss
Water (Tarot Love) - Venus in Cancer
Pronounce: "Eros, The Essence of divine live, thee I invoke"
Eros: eeeeeerrrrrrooooosssss
Air (Tarot - Peece) - Moon in Libra
Pronounce: "Eirene - the Purely reflected balance, thee I invoke"
Eirene: eeeeiiiirrrrreeeeennnnn
Earth (Tarot Change) - Jupiter in Capricorn
Pronounce: "Janus - the Stability in changing form, then I invoke"
Janus: jaaaaaannnnuuuussss
Final Pronouncement: "For I am the four elements crowned by a fifth, the spirit, the Aether, the infinite eternal self. I align myself, and the forces of my inner nature, with the Cosmos, the eternal being, for I am one. The Divine Infinite Being".
Close out the ritual holding the sign of silence for 3 breaths.