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Polytheistic Monism - Divine Theurgy - Oracle to the Gods

The Ochêma Ritual and Grand Invocations
Ritual Praxis of the Ochêma, the star vehicle of ritual

“Photagogia somehow illuminates with divine light the aethereal and luminous vehicle of the soul, from which divine visions, set in motion by the gods, take possession of our imaginative power.”

- Iamblichus

The Ochêma is a Spherical Boundary that flows in and through the Theurgist and can be best imagined as a Torus of energy. Please see the illustration on this page for what this body is best imagined as, following geometric foundations in Torus mathematics. Our personal physical being is surrounded by a 4th dimensional spherical boundary, which is also us, where we are more real and connected to the cosmic horizon of the Universe. According to the Megaverse interpretation of quantum mechanics, Lenard Suskind states that this spherical boundary projects in from every point of this sphere. This creates in the physical world and what we experience as our physical body. In the greater universe, our physical world is a holographic projection from the cosmic horizon of the Universe. Our personal body is a projection inward holographically of our personal physical selves. I cover the science behind this in our central doctrine and Timothy Desmod does an outstanding job describing this in his class on www.PsycheandSingularity.com

The Ochêma is both psychic/spiritual and physis/physical. As Lennard Suskind explains, we are miniature blackholes, with our own spherical boundary in 4th dimensional space/time that projects in from its two dimensional spherical boundary our physical third dimensional being. For Theurgy this is a critical component, the physical existence follows this same spherical body as does the psychic/spiritual when operating within the Ochêma.

Overall the extended ritual praxis of our school is centralized around the development and education of the Ochêma, the Star vehicle of Theurgy. This visionary vehicle is where the Archetypes, Forms, Gods, Goddesses and Daimōns are banished, invoked and assimilated into the Unity of the Theurgist, the Self/God Archetype, the grand indestructible nature of the Divine Infinite Being. The Pentagram rituals that lead up to the Ochêma ritual have already greatly prepared this vehicle with its symbolic activation, but now you focus on revealing its very nature. This allows a higher form of “centrality” to the entire ritual experience. It is through this centralizing experience that the vast agencies of spiritual force and intelligence may fully enlighten the theurgist.

Performing the Ochêma Ritual

You will want to perform the Ritual of the Pentagram, both the banishing and the invocations. The Ochêma praxis is embedded within the Pentagram Ritual and comes following the invocations (see our essay on ritual praxis for more info on ritual stages). When working with the Ochêma, you are dealing with “Quadrant Energies in Flux”.

The Quadrant Energies in Flux

The Quadrant of the Ochêma is created through the flux of polarized male and female deities representing vast conscious agency that open your imagination and realization of
the Ochêma itself.

Male Flux / Hermes-Apollo
Female Flux / Kali-Hecate

Hermes, draws in from the outer ochêma spherical boundary, the “descending Cosmic LOGOS”, drawn in from every point of the vehicle’s spherical boundary. Apollo the timeless light body, the “ascending Solar LOGOS” inflames the Astral from the very proximity of the Theurgists out in all directions, opening the spiritual eyes to the Imagination of Nature, Hecate, the Anima Mundi. This “flux” between Hermes and Apollo allows one to see into the spiritual world of forms and archetypes, the infinite eternal spirits of vast conscious agency. Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, draws into the Theurgist, the Macrocosm. Apollo, the “knower”, the field of light pouring out from the center of consciousness, the personal “Sun” the center of the“Personal Cosmos”, the Microcosm, Helios its secret center, the solar seed of the Sun.

Hecate’s psychological counterpart is the Unconscious. We are absolutely surrounded by the Unconscious and in extension, the Collective Unconscious. She is represented by the new Moon, the point just before the light of the Sun begins to reflect upon its surface. The Imagination of Nature is “revealed” and seen through the illuminating eyes of Apollo, the knower, the Solar Logos. Through direct purposeful focused attention, and a unified deep trust, our spiritual eyes open to visions with inthe body of Hecate where we come into relationship with the vast conscious agency of the archetypes and forms. They, being unconscious, and “occult” or“hidden” within the Anima Mundi, come to life and consummate with the Theurgist. Two becoming one in a peaking vision of light.

Kali is the physical world, the “physis” to Heacate’s “psychic”. Kali is the deepest structure of physical existence. The eternal inflating space time geometric unity at the greatest boundary projecting into our bubble nucleated universe and then radiating in from every point of the cosmic horizon on vibrating strings of energy. From the greatest boundary all the way to your personal spherical horizon, in its most physical form. Kali is mortality, the physical being in the cycles of death and rebirth. Helios, the solar seed of Apollo, planted within her rich soil, surrounded by her everchanging dynamic energy, her Shakti, the objective will of the Cosmos, the Collective Unconscious, which manifests into the infinite Many Worlds, the physical evolution of existence. Kali gives physical existence to the Archetypes and Forms, their spiritual agency, just as yours, both a physical and psychical existence. Her Shakti, her dynamic energy, are the very patterns of the Anima Mundi, Hecate, the Astral, like the moon, reflects the light from the Solar Logos revealing in visions of light, the spirits, engage the Theurgist and they become one.

The 4 are 2. And the two are 1.

Hermes-Apollo is the messenger, the diviner, the knower, the Theurgist. The Divine Intellect in flux. The Solar LOGOS and the Cosmic LOGOS. The“knower”, the Atman and the“All Knowing” the Purusha-Atman.

Kai-Hecate is the spherical vehicle, the surrounding Unconscious/Collective Unconscious and the very Womb of space all the way to the Cosmic Horizon and further to the greatest boundary. This is the Imagination of nature, the Anima Mundi, the Shekina of the Kabbalists. The invocation of eternal Archetypes and Forms manifest within this Divine Feminine principle, this Imagination of nature.

These are the rites of the Sun and the Moon, all together represented in the Divine Arcana Tarot as 1, “The Theurgist”. On the card you see Hermes-Apollo and behind them the Circle, Kali-Hecate, together they are the Mandala of Wholeness, the God Archetype.

The ritual invocation of the ochêma is our school’s “workings of the Orphic Egg”. The birthing of eternal experience, the revealing of our infinite natures. In ritual the Theurgist is “born” into a direct relationship, through revelatory visions, with eternal principles and forms. This ritual is the development of this vehicle. Although as you can read more about this in our central doctrine, this vehicle is already there, the Theurgist must condition it, reveal it, become it.

Performing the Ochêma ritual

First perform the Ritual of the Pentagram, both Banishing the elements, followed by Invoking them in preparation for this ritual.

There are no pronouncements during this ritual, as it is a preparation of the Ochêma, where the invoked Archetypes and Forms manifest in relationship to the Theurgist. Once the vehicle is prepared the Theurgist performs the “Grand Invocations” associated with the ritual praxis of our school.

The resonated divine names work in succession. First Invoking Hermes-Helios, then Invoking Kai-Hecate. There is just one deep breath taken in, holding the sign of silence, between the sonorous invocations of the names. When invoking you want to focus on the flux of the divine names you are invoking. While taking the in between breaths in silence you want to hold the predicates of all 4 names, all at once, within the imaginal body of light.

These invocations are done in succession either 3 or 5 times. This is more to the option of the Theurgist. When you are first practicing we suggest that you do this 5 times, after mastery 3 will be enough.

First Invocation:



While resonating this divine name associate yourself, the knower, the Solar LOGOS, the timeless body of light. And at the same time, “receive” from the all Knowing, the Cosmic LOGOS, projecting in from every point of the Spherical boundary of your personal Ochêma and beyond that drawn from the very Cosmic Horizon of the Universe.

Second Invocation:



While resonating this divine name, feel yourself surrounded by the spiritual and physical nature of the Cosmos. Feel your ochêma, your personal spherical boundary projecting in, giving you your physical form and being, infinitely pluralistic, the infinite physical Many Worlds entangled, imbued with the Collective spiritual agency of the Cosmos.

Once you have invoked the Ochêma you want to breathe in deeply, drawing energy in through the crown of the head and down through the souls of the feet. This light energy should flow inward with your inward breath. With the outward breath this light energy should flow outward and back into the entire spherical boundary of the Ochêma. While you are doing this deep breathing in the silence of the ritual, you want to work to feel it surrounding you, to see it as if you had eyes on every side. Feel its centrality.

It is absolutely fine to do the invocation once and then at least three deep breaths, but it is also very worth the discipline to do the both invocations 3 times with 3 breaths between each.

When you are finished, you can either move to a Grand Invocation or you can close out the ritual with the Pentagram ritual closing pronouncement.

We will continue to refine all of our essays and articles for you moving forward. We would love to see you join the inner mystery schooland participate in our certification programs for Astrology and Tarot. Please check back for updates and consider becoming a member of our school and an alumni of our certification programs.


infinite being

Polytheistic Monism - Divine Theurgy - Oracle to the Gods

“ineffable, hidden, brilliant scion, whose motion is whirring, you scattered the dark mist that lay before your eyes and, flapping your wings, you whirled about, and through this world, you brought pure light.”