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Polytheistic Monism - Divine Theurgy - Oracle to the Gods

Carl Jung Debates

Debates with Carl Jung and different prominent athiests

Many modern scholars have argued for the Jungian position in opposition to secular atheism, such as the very famous Jordan Peterson.

Although Jung died June 6, 1961 and has the disadvantage of 7 decades of continuing scientific development, we wanted to resurrect his position on the value of Religion and belief in God. In our opinion the modern debate forum arguing with mostly biblical religious dogma as a background misses a profound position that Jung championed throughout his career.

These debates were created from a neutral position giving equal credence to both sides of the argument. They were generated by agnostic rules in Chat GPT 4 and include both creative scripts and actual statements from each of the debaters' written work. These do not reflect actual historical debates but are overall a creative work giving the audience the opportunity to consider both sides in their own journeys towards truth.

For implications of Jung’s theories in the light of a modern frame, especially concerning the work started with his colleague and Nobel prize winning quantum physicist Worlfgang Pauli, current ideas in string theory, perennial philosophy and religious studies please consider reviewing our central doctrine at www.divineinfintebeing.com.

CARL JUNG WITH Christopher Hitchens

CaRL JUNG WITH Richard Dawkins


infinite being

Polytheistic Monism - Divine Theurgy - Oracle to the Gods

“ineffable, hidden, brilliant scion, whose motion is whirring, you scattered the dark mist that lay before your eyes and, flapping your wings, you whirled about, and through this world, you brought pure light.”