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Polytheistic Monism - Divine Theurgy - Oracle to the Gods



Writing one’s own BIO is something that everyone should do, and it does not tend to be a simple task for anyone. This BIO is not exactly chronological, but it is fairly complete. For those of you here to see who your teacher is for the Astrology/Tarot courses you will find much to review here. This BIO is made for those entering our school from the many different levels be that as members, alumni (certificate graduates) or aspirants to the inner order. I am one of two teachers in the Astrology/Tarot 12 week certification course. You can see that here. I am also the Head Master of the inner mystery school and your teacher and guide in either case. Let me introduce myself and give you some history.

I am a highly curious individual with a passion for academic research and direct experiential practice. I study endlessly and always make it an imperative to read for at least an hour a day. I take frequent breaks from my company just to study for several days in a row every month. I’ve done this fairly consistently for over 20 years as I have owned and operated my own company since 2004.

Although I have spent a lot of time with different occult orders and spiritual groups at different times, I have spent most of my life as a solitary spiritual seeker. As a solitary I have practiced everything from Chi Gong to Yoga to Ceremonial Magick and have kept a keen interest in the quantum sciences, the history of ideas and modern approaches to psychology and consciousness. Over the better part of my practices I have focused on the art and science of Theurgy, Astrology, Tarot and what we term “craft” (related to Neoplatonic Hecate based witchcraft). Being solitary but highly active has allowed me to develop a unique program that has come from the most effective of what I have studied and experienced.

Although you can find several articles and the framework of our programs in our Central Doctrine, my life work culminates around the predicates of Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, Jungian Psychology, the work of Philosopher Timothy Desmond the occult and Theurgic application of the Divine Arcana Tarot. Our inner mysteries are focused on the incorporation of these models into a Theurgic ritual praxis central to the Divine Arcana Tarot itself. You can see a full color, high DPI version of the deck here.

I am a very big believer in the development of a spiritual community and so are the protagonists of our school. The advantage of being solitary for so long allowed me to keep a very open perspective. Now after working at this school for over two decades I am looking to bring my tribe home :). I hope my BIO and our available literature finds a place in your heart and you join our cause. The kingdom of the Divine Infinite Being and the raising of the great oracle beacons those that find their way to our work. So who am I to offer this path to the members of our school?

I currently own and operate a medical bioinformatics engineering and software development company with 42 employees and several partners. For 22 years much of the creativity and mastery I continued through the occult sciences centered around our company and its current state and growth. We have launched over 2,500 projects with major initiatives for 7 of the INC 500. We have earned millions of dollars over the lifecycle of our initiatives and throughout I incorporated Astrology, Tarot, meditation, ritual, prayer and advanced forms of what is popularly known as “the power of attraction”. To say the least I have experienced overwhelming results in these areas. For a look at my professional resume and company please visit www.BetoParedes.com .

I have always worked to live an ascetic life from the time I was a teenager. I really have my father to thank for this. He was a great example to me when I was young of a super hard working man with little to no attachments. I fell in love with Stoicism and living a minimalist lifestyle focused on academics and experience over material gain. Most if not all of my money has been reinvested back into my businesses or spent on the requirements of our school. For the school I have amassed a large library of over 1,600 volumes, many of them rare or out of print. I have an online search coming soon where you can see what is in this library. I host researchers and seekers who want to access this first hand.

I have a healthy habit of playing guitar and through my lifetime have been in 13 different bands. Music is a huge influence in my life and is part of my philosophical worship of Apollo. Next to the practices of Theurgy this has been a major expression of my art to life. It used to be a very serious endeavor and now is just a companion to the Universal laws of experience for me personally.

Although I have no deep opinion of the food eaten by others I have chosen to eat a very clean zero carb carnivore diet. I try to only eat once a day and I fast every full and new moon. I mention diet here because it is of critical importance to me and something I stress within the inner mystery School of Our Divine Infinite Being. There are hundreds of healthy and valid ways to manage one's diet. Over the years I have successfully engaged with other dietary programs. Whether you are a meat eater, keto, or a fan of starchy foods, if you do not manage your diet as a discipline, life will be miserable. There are many great and free resources available today and whatever you follow you should be absolute and resolved to stay healthy.


My personal practices as a Theurgist centers around a syncretism of Chaldean, Greek, Roman and Hindu Mysteries blended with Astrology, philosophic witchcraft craft and the personification of the spirits of nature. As complex as this may sound, our Greater Arcana Tarot represents this parsimoniously and our school gives very straight forward instruction for engagement through ritual praxis. I, and thereby our school, follows Polytheistic Monism, finding deep meaningful expressions in all of the world's spiritual and religious narratives. As a philosophical framework this is an expression of the Perennial Philosophy. You can learn more about this in our Central Doctrine.

I find the tenets of Animism (nature as alive with spiritual agency) to be an extremely vital part of my personal awareness and believe it to be at the core of all “experiences of the spirit” in religious practices. Whether this be the “holy spirit” of the Christian or “the spirits of nature” of Shamanic practices, I have personally experienced them all to be the same thing. The Platonists called this the Anima Mundi, the spiritual soul of the earth, the “whispering spirit” that communicates to us through dreams and experiences with nature.

At least once a week during the warm months I spend time on the Snake River for meditation and to connect with the river spirits. Our school’s main locations are in St. Anthony, ID and Salt Lake City, UT. The snake river runs directly through my hometown and I have a deep connection to its natural center of power. I often will sit right in the river with the water up to my chest meditating on Gaea, Shakti and the spiritual flow of this divine river valley. Several full and new moons I have entered and spent time in the river bottoms solo and with others in ritual drawing down the moon.

I have a deep relationship with what I simply call “Father” of which I meditate upon as the centrality of the One, the Unity, the Singularity, the male creative force. I discourse and pray to “Father” often (all day sometimes) and find the God of the Hebrew and the One of the Platonists to be a very close reflection of this relationship liturgisticly and philosophically. I have an intimate communication with “Father” that I have maintained since I was very young. When thinking about the Father I often reference Hagel's definition of the “Absolute Spirit”.

“The Absolute spirit is considered to be “absolute activity”, it is an active creative element, or, more precisely, creative activity. It permanently moves and develops, and in its self-development creates the whole Universe like the world of continuous formation.”

Spirit and Language in Hegel’s Philosophy of Absolute Spirit Olga B. Panova

In the highest regard I, and we at our school, address the totality state of existence as the “Divine Infinite Being”, or as in the Chaldean Oracles, the “Divine Parent”, both male and female. In totality the highest conception we could ever hold is one of absolute co-equal male/female, god/goddess existence. One of the tenant predicates of our school is to reach this awareness in its eternal and immortal perfect balance. I work with feminine/goddess energies often, especially in ritual. Although this is true, I have found that men nurturing a closer continual relationship with “Father” and women than that of “Mother” can be extremely helpful. Father seems to be most reachable through prayer and dialogue and that of mother through the pure silence of meditation. This is certainly and successfully interchangeable and part of progress in Theurgy it to meditate on father and pray to mother etc.

As best as I can I practice the Banishing ritual of the Pentagram every single morning. I even do this live on camera for those following the school's programs to be able to join me. I perform the invoking Pentagrams at least once a week aligned with the Ochema ritual (I try to do this twice when possible). I perform a grand innovation at the beginning of every Decan (every 10 Astrological days). Although I have practiced hundreds of rituals over the years, I currently follow the exact model that is found in our inner mystery school. At least 3 times a week, and daily when time permits, I practice Raja-Kundalini with my wife and children.You can see a lot of our rituals and practices in our essays on this website.


Carl Jung’s discovery of the Collective Unconscious uncovered very strong reasons to know your personal Ancestry. Within us are the Archetypal principles found within the experiences of our forefathers, passed on to us from birth. Although bloodline is not all of what makes who you become, I do have an interesting family history. My great grandmother was a full Mapuche native from the Patagonia lands of Chile. Her daughter, my grandmother, raised me and lived with my family until she passed. The Mapuche never succeeded to the colonial Spanish nor the Chilean government, and are still sovereign to this day. South American Indigenous cultures all recognize Shamanism and Witchcraft as a genuine force of natural spiritual power. I have a deep interest in the history of Witchcraft having studied it for years and the very last witch trial in the Americas was in 1880. This trial was centered around those considered to be practicing Mapuche Witchcraft.

Mapuche witchcraft practices were a window for me into the depths of Christian colonial prejudice. The Book “Thunder Shaman”, by Ana Mariella Bacigalupo, is a dialogue between her and a Mapuche “Machi'' the name they use for Shaman or healer. In her discussion she was trying to discern the difference between “Machi” and “Witch” in their culture. The conversation went in circles until finally Machi got frustrated and said “We use the exact same Spirits and connect the exact same powers!” Through more research I discovered the the name of the goddess Kushe (primary in their Pantheon) actually translated to “Witch”.

It was because of the colonial Spanish influences that they began using “Witch” to differentiate those Machi that used spirits and magic against others. In pre-colonial times there were just magic users, sorceresses and “Witch” was a neutral term. Some used it for ill will and others, considered the healers, became known as “Machi”.

In this same book the Machi would perform ritual and through dream walking enter into the past of the one being healed and change it. Mapuchi emphasized dreams as the doorway into “the other world”. Everyone in my family, especially me and my father, have had very intense dream walking experiences. I have seen the future in my dreams on several occasions. This no doubt due to the Archetypal lensing of my ancestors and their work as Mapuchi Machis and witchcraft.


I grew up in a highly religious household strict in the disciplines of Theology. My family belonged to a church of “Alternative Christianity” with many occult practices formed in the creative revivals of early America. My ancestors were some of the first members and it forms a major part of my family history. Although I left this world behind, and purposely removed my name from their records, my childhood was filled with their narratives and practices. If I would have stayed a member I would be considered 6th generation today.

Many of their religious principles were taken from esoteric sources including Kabbalah and especially Freemasonry. Not surprising, their founder was proven to be a ceremonial magician, an active mason, and died with the layman of Jupiter around his neck. From his journal entries were found pages of imagery and sigil work taken from “The Magus” by Francis Barret, a publication he had access to based on the famous Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's occult works. He produced magical operations recorded in full detail that were undeniably initiated through ceremonial means. This was all revealed in a book written by D. Michael Quinn concerning their magical roots in early America. Aleister Crowley even mentioned their founder in a positive light which gave me a laugh when I read it.

In this belief system they teach that one receives personal revelation about the future directly through a relationship to God. They teach that those holding the priesthood may experience visions of light and truths revealed through dreams. Their priesthood holders are given personal power, equal to their God, to heal and bless others. They have magical garments with special symbolic markings to protect them from evil forces. Each local group has a “Patriarch” who acts like a shaman and diviner and fortune teller. They can see what one’s spiritual lineage is from the tribes of Israel. They see into their future revealing one’s mission in life. In their cosmology you progress to the highest of glory and become an actual god yourself. They say their god was once a man. All very esoteric ideas, but most of them borrowed and modified.

Both my parents had several supernatural experiences credited to their beliefs which they shared with us. My mother’s stories seemed impossible and fantastic, but I believed her. My father would quite often have visions at night while dreaming just to gather the family the next day to proclaim their significance. Quite the ripe breeding ground for developing interests in the occult. Although now I saw these practices as basic and corrupt, I was already steeped in the ideas of special powers, initiations, and a secret system of progression. From the outside, these occult connections are not so clear and their missionaries are all over the world even today. This religion is known throughout the world as Mormonism or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Just a simple Google search will reveal to the seeker that their earliest beginnings were steeped in folk religion, magic and the occult. We talk a lot more about this in our essay on Joseph Smith, their founder, here on our website.


At 16 years old, when visiting a friend’s home in the small town of Saint Anthony Idaho, I was first exposed to Theurgy through “The Confessions of Aleister Crowley”. Crowley’s version of Theurgy was termed “High Magick”. My friend “dared” me to read the book like it was some kind of spooky cursed tablet. I was honestly just more curious than anything else, I had not been exposed to many things outside of Mormonism at this point. I found that I couldn’t put the book down and I poured through it in less than a month (984 page book!) During my reading, several memories of PSI experiences I had as a child were triggered and so many things were at least somewhat explained. I was hooked and the second book I read was Francis King’s “Techniques in High magick '' the summer I turned 17. This was the first book where I found some practical application of the art. From here I bought my first Tarot card set (Thoth) at the age of 18 and began studying divination and Tarot symbolism. From here I began reading everything I could get my hands on related to spiritual practices, occult science, Tarot, Astrology, Shamanism you name it. From 18 I began reading Tarot for myself and others, even renting booths at Saturday markets to read for folks. As of today I have read for myself thousands of times and for others professionally over 500 times.


Having moved to Salt Lake City Utah at the age of 18, I was sleeping on the couch of a friend late into the morning one day. I had a vision in a dream and saw a book that I needed to get my hands on. At this time the Golden Braid bookstore was just around the corner from the apartment I was staying at. I saw right where it was sitting on the shelf in my dream, and even the young lady that was working the counter. I shot up and went straight to the bookstore. I only had $11 left to my name and was hoping it was enough to purchase the item. I walked inside and went straight to the shelf where this book was located. This book was Summum “Sealed Except to the Open Mind”, and I spent the very last money I had to get it. It was exactly $11 and after I explained my dream to the clerk she was kind enough to let me off on the taxes.

This book produced by Summum was an updated version of another book written by William Walker Attkinson almost a century earlier. One that became the most influential work, especially in my earlier spiritual career. This original work was called The Kybalion, an inspired vision of the Hermetic principles of ancient Egypt. Much of my early training in meditation was rooted in this system and its principles. Summum had updated this to a complete vision combining quantum mechanics, string theory and new axioms. It was through this work that I was first exposed to the concept of an “Infinite Living Mind” in nature which eventually led me to related teachings in the world’s religions and philosophies. At the time I was studying with Summum I had also picked up Liber Aleph by Aleister Crowley, Instant ESP by David St. Clair, WICCA a guide for the solitary practitioner by Cunningham and started reading Carlos Castaneda. It was the Castaneda series that got me interested in more natural Animism, Shamanism and Native American lore.

I went through all the required programs and was initiated into Summum where I began attending all their events. This was the first time I was exposed to the true transmutation and talismanic power of concentrated thought. Summum had built a two story Pyramid right in the heart of Salt Lake City. Within their pyramid was a gigantic wine vat that their more adept members would meditate on for days and even weeks. They instilled vibratory energy into the wine while it was fermenting as they concentrated on a specific vibration of “state change”. They had different types of wines that they produced, but all under the title of “Nectar Publications”. After turning 21 I worked with these quite a bit in my meditation practices. When you would open the wine, there were always sugar crystals in the shape of tiny pyramids under the cork and settled at the bottom. These wines were so powerful that just a sip would place you in an altered state. Hard to explain without trying this yourself, the closest I could say it was similar to the effects of microdosing psychoactive mushrooms.

Working with the Summum group I learned the discipline of thought, the ability to connect with the mind of nature, and a dedication to the practice of meditation. I built a special relationship with Sue, the main teacher who initiated me into the order. I would go to the Pyramid grounds and mow lawns, rake leaves and whatever else I could out of appreciation. This allowed me a lot of extra time with the other instructors as well. This was a real pivot in my dedication to spiritual practices and I sent time there between the ages of 18 and 22. I still keep in touch with them today.

When I was 23 I joined as a correspondence student of B.O.T.A., a Golden Dawn based western mystery school. This is where I came across Paul Foster Case’s work and he, as well, incorporated the Kybalion. Aside from myself-study into Crolwey’s Thoth Tarot this was my first serious large-scale undertaking in the study of esoteric Tarot philosophy. I would receive in the mail a packet every month associated with a particular Tarot card. We had to study and participate, including the coloring of our own Tarot based on their symbolism. I remained a member of B.O.T.A. for three years studying many of their publications and listening to their entire tape series. Paul Foster Case, even today, is considered one of the foremost authors on the esoteric, especially Tarot. This sent me on an even deeper Tarot journey and I began purchasing everything I could find on the subject. This took me into the world of divination generally and I studied dozens of different methods including I-Ching and Rune stones. Since that time, I have worked diligently to master the many facets of Tarot divination, divination in general and its many references throughout history.


As mentioned above, I had a wide variety of spiritual interests, especially early on. Throughout my 20s I was mixing theurgy, ritual drumming, and pursued a high interest in the effects of dance and trace. For a time I offered drum healing sessions after I threw Tarot to discover the energetic needs of a participant. After reading Casteneda I started passionately studying Shamanism including several serious anthropological studies and academic research. A big part of what drove this experience was the hours I spentevery weekend drumming and dancing in the burning sun. With some other drummers and eventually several dancers we started a phenomenon inLiberty Park in Salt Lake City that persists to this day. We began a weekly drum circle that eventually filled with over 30 drummers andtwice that many spectators and dancers. It grew larger every week and on one occasion we were able to hold hands and surround the entirepark section we met at. After the three years I attended there must have been over 400 participants and north of 50+ drummers. Many ofthe same faces came every week and the drumming became more organized and rhythmic. The energy was incredible. I began switching off drumming with dancing and being as involved in shamanism as I was at the time,I focused my energy on the ecstasy and vision work I was reading about. After a time, I began to have powerful lucid visions during theseevents.

I had a chance to work with three different native shamans from local tribes in the area. One was a Native American healer living in Salt Lake I had heard a lot about. I paid what little money I had at the time for his council. Instead of any healing sessions as he normally did, at my request he spent the time teaching me how to perform Native American ceremonies. A Shoshone woman traditionally trained as a shaman helped me dig and build my first sweat lodge in my backyard. She taught me about the purpose andspiritual experiences of a sweat ceremony and taught me how to conduct one. I made use of this lodge mostly alone but at times would host others over the six months I lived there. The third,surprisingly enough, ended up being my neighbor in a duplex I lived in. He was the Medicine Man for three tribes including the Bannock ofEastern Idaho who were local to me growing up. He was living in Salt Lake City selling his t-shirt art and sending the money earned backto his people. We would spend many nights sitting on the porch together talking about the native American healing arts and the nature oflife. These were some of my favorite evenings and memories and I was lucky to have this council for the months we lived as neighbors.


In 1995 I attended UCMT, which at the time was the second top school in the world for holistic body work. I graduated at the top of my class and began an energy medicine and holistic body work practice that I managed privately for many years. In and out of school I have worked with over 300 clients providing a variety ofdifferent healing modalities. I was trained in advanced massage therapy (several forms), hydrotherapy, deep tissue massage, anatomy/physiology, advanced structural realignment, several energy modalities, craniosacral therapy, acupressure, shiatsu, Feldenkrais, chi-gong and kundalini yoga.Although through my earlier training in Theurgy I was already working with the “body of light” it was at school where my interest in the human energy field really took off.

While at school I had many wonderful teachers in various subject matters. Surprisingly, the mentors that had the largest impact on me were not faculty. One was a woman there as a student trained in several energy modalities, was in her 60s and had continuously attended different colleges for the last 30 years. She had certificates and graduate degrees in numerous subjects from both traditional and alternative colleges from all over the world. Up until my meeting with her I already had ample experiences with the humanenergy field and understood much about it in my studies. She saw something different in me that I had yet to discover myself. Sheintuitively recognized my ability to see the human energy field.

Through a series of events, she demonstrated how to see, interact, and work with the field. This all started one day in class when we were watching a student walk to determine where she was holding too tight in her muscular system. She put her arm on my shoulder and pointed toward her knee and said “look”. There was aniridescent fountain rising from the student’s knee. She then instructed me to go and ask her about this. She had injured and tore her knee terribly in a sports injury and was still suffering. Fromthere she taught me on the side during school to recognize color, vibrance, sickness, strong fields and those that are suffering.Included in her instruction was the ability to see photosynthesis and the geomagnetic field in nature (Something I teach in our retreats). During the six months I was in school she spent at least ⅓ of that time teaching me selflessly.

The second teacher was my after-class Kundalini Yoga instructor. He spent many days after class speaking to me about the rise of energy and what kundalini was about. I went to his class every day after school so I was trained for a full six months in Kundalini Yoga from this incredible person. This is what led me on an academic path learning everything I could about Tantra and Kundalini Yoga. This led me to a total integration of Eastern Principles into my Theurgic practices. As I knew that Aleister Crowley’s order also combined Eastern practices I was led during school as well to studying as much of his work as I could find. To my surprise William Walker Atkinson, the author of the Kybalion, had also written extensively on Eastern ideas. I spent much of the next decade getting to know every written work of Atkinsonand most of Crowleys. It was this decade as well that I began practicing ritual theurgy following after Crolwey and other occultists Iwas reading at the time.


During school I was going through something energetically that was causing many things to start accelerating in my life. I was doing several hours of bodywork and practice during the day at school and then studied for hours in my parking booth job where I had lots of free time. I was completely inundated with energy work and study into theurgy, Shamanism and the occult for most of my waking hours. I could feel that something significant was beginning to shift for me. Not all positive, including the loss of friends, trouble with sleep, some intense flu like symptoms and other disturbances that seemed to not give me a day off. I could tell something was “cleaning out” in my psyche.

Then one day it all cumulated. I was sitting in the back of anatomy and physiology class and suddenly everyone’s energy body just lit up all at once. Before I would have to concentrate to see it, but it had become fully visible on all the 40 or so class members. The teacher, a staunch disbeliever in energy medicine and the anatomy professor from the nearby university had a sickening green color on his back. I went up to him as class was leaving and said, “You’re sick, something is wrong with your back”. He wide eyed looked at me and stated “That is correct. I have issues with my spine, and I experience a lot of pain.” The look on this face was absolute disbelief. He had not told anyone this.

Upon leaving the building and getting outside I was in shock. I could see the geomagnetic field around every living thing without any effort. So much that I felt like I was on some alien planet. The trees, bushes, animals, people, anything with life was all connected by this field and surrounded by it. I could see energy globules photosynthesizing in mass by vegetation and leaves on all the trees. I could feel this intense unified field that was surrounding me on all sides. To this day I credit this moment to a Kundalini awakening from all my intense body work and deep concentrated study at the time. Since that day I am still able to see and work with these fields and have much more control over them. As far out as this may sound, I have been able to teach my students to see and experience these in just a weekendretreat.

During the same year I started school I became close friends with a long-standing member of the O.T.O. This is the name of one of the magical organizations based on the Thelemic philosophies of Aleister Crowley. He and I embarked on a series of rituals, Tarot work and long into the night discussion about Theurgy and the nature of reality. My interest in Theurgy was greatly increasing and I began experiencing the grandeffects of ritual like never before.


I continued to study and practice every day and built my first ritual chamber in the basement of my house just before starting school in 1995. I began performing regular pentagram banishing, middle pillar, and other rituals. I started keeping journals, developed personal grimoires, compendiums and got into the habit of regular ceremonial ritual practice. I accumulated quite the library of over 500 titles in the occult, pagan studies, meditation, eastern philosophy, psi science, psychology, shamanism, and western mysteries. I worked at this parking booth for just over four years. This covered the time I was in school while Iwas building my holistic body work practice. The parking lots I worked at were full of monthly subscribers, I mostly just waved aspeople used their cards to get in and out. This gave me hours a day to freely read and study. I poured through hundreds of titles, makingnotes, and taking it all serious as if I were in some invisible college. I filled notebook after notebook with quotes and ideas. I lookedforward to work every day because it had become my sanctuary of study and research. I was full time and was able to dedicate 80% of mytime to study. I would guess this to have been 5,000+ hours give or take. What a gift I was given so early in my adulthood. It gave methe reading habit that I still work hard to maintain today.

Regrettably at the age of 27 I sold my entire library as I was needing to pay for rent and food. Such a sad day as I had many books that today would be considered rare and worth hundreds to thousands of dollars. Since then, I have amassed over 1,600 titles, hundreds of research papers and journals continuing my deep study and that of the school. Although I listen to hundreds of podcasts and research on the internet I always found it important to have a library of actual physical books, which now belongs to the school. Thedepth and possibilities to our current reality are endless, you must study continuously and to this day I still consider myself anenthusiastic student. I have my nose in a book at least once if not several times a day.

In 1999 I took off with my then girlfriend in a VW bus to explore the Pacific NorthWest (how I obtained this bus was through a theurgic ritual. Great fireside story). During our trip there I took every opportunity to performTheurgic ritual. One of the most powerful experiences I ever had was performing the Middle Pillar, a Kabalistic Theurgic ritual developed by Israel Regardie. This happened while we were driving through the 40-mile canyon in Northern Idaho. There were mountains and trees vertically on both sides and we stopped somewhere in the middle. I climbed the side of the mountain and did a fullBanishing Pentagram and then the Middle Pillar and closed with another Banishing Pentagram. Pretty usual set for me as I was doing theseat least once a week. This time it was the most intense it has ever been, and it was here that I for the first time fully experienced thespaceless, timeless nature of the body of light. My BIO really isn't the space to talk about the experience, but it was unforgettable andthe beginning of some of my most intense work that followed. I had fully identified with the body of light, finally understanding what Iamblichis meant when he stressed this identification as an absolute necessity.

We ended this trip in Salem Oregon where I took a job as a manager on a shiitake and oyster mushroom farm. We stayed on the farm in our VW bus using the facility showers and laundry. There was a huge open building, and the ownerwas friendly to my practices in Theurgy, surprisingly having some background himself. I was able to utilize the building for ritual andcontinued my practice in the evenings while I was working there. This was the first fully continuous work daily lasting over 5 full months. What I wasexperiencing was no less than miraculous and powerful as the days drew on through continuous practice. By the time I had gotten 60 daysin I was beginning to experience much higher and elevated forms of ecstatic states of awareness. States you could not reach in a week oreven a month. I was learning from an eternal source, my education was coming from an infinite living mind that I was awakening into. Thiswas such a special time in my life as it was a rebirth into a world I would have never been able to reach without such a dedicatedTheurgic practice. Since that time I have undergone serious long term operations most anywhere from thirty days to six months. To date Ihave practiced ritual in one form or another well into the thousands of times. Not 100% consistent over time of course, but even withgaps I have had quite the career as a practicing Theurgist.

After leaving the mushroom farm I moved on to different food service management careers and continued my work in holistic health. In 2000 I put together some of my first classes where I taught in new age and occult bookstores on subjects such as Tarot, Kabbalah and Theurgic ritual. I met one of my lifelong friends at one of my classes, Troy Wenning. Troy was a lot like me, having a wide number of interests, expertise and knowledge of a multitude of subjects. He and I would meet every morning talking about Theurgy, meditation and spirituality in general. He is still one of my favorite people and we still speak often. What I loved the most was the diversity of our conversations. He was skilled in Astrology, I-Ching, Energy Psychology and the Mayan Cosmology amongst other things. This was my firstopportunity to see the deep connections between multiple systems and it greatly broadened my interests. In 2000, engrossed in my ownTheurgic practices and learning extensively from Troy, I began thinking seriously about the need for a new way of practice. I made a GeoSites website (who remembers them? lol) called “Merkava Mysticism and The Kabbalistic Cannon of Light.” At thattime I was very much a Kabalistic Theurgist and fascinated by the earliest Theurgy of the Hebrew peoples. Merkava Mysticism was Theurgy, and it was just a short number of years beforeI figured out it was a surviving ritual practice highly related to the Greco/Roman Theurgy that dominated the Roman Empire just beforethe rise of Christianity. Practices that over two decades led me to the final development of the School of the Divine Infinite Being.

I continued to study, work on the format of the school and practice meditation, Theurgy deepening my connection to the Cosmos. Like everyone, there were times I was completely disenchanted and disengaged but for the most part I always turned back to developing the school more. I have invested six figures into the art work, websites and programs for the school since 2020. Although I made several attempts at afoundational website over the last decade, most everything up to that point was in power points, journals and notebooks. I had reached apoint in 2022 where I was getting a bit discouraged. My regular business is by itself an anomaly and we were breaking records in proprietary software development. I was just so busy. I found the time to read a book called “Psyche and Singularity” by Timothy Desmond.It was the first time in well over a decade that I read something that was more than just “another angle”. I reached out to Timothy and he actually came to Idaho and spent time with me. What Ihad been moving towards and working on for the last 20 years suddenly had a perfect parallel with the work of this incredible philosopher and scholar. No need to get into this here. You can read all about Timothy Desmond and his relationship to our school in our CentralDoctrine.

As your teacher, whether that be in our formal Astrology/Tarot training, or the inner mystery school, what I have for you is experience. Spiritual training, Theurgy, meditation and one’s relationship to the totality state of existence is something I have simply taken seriously my entire life. I was born in 1975. You do that math :)


Crafting, formulating, and casting hundreds of spells healing myself and others of disease.

Perceiving the auric fields of light around people and the geo-magnetic fields found in nature.

The working with the archetypal forces of Astrology and other Deities agnostically

Perceiving photosynthesis directly in several natural settings.

Seeing into future events on several occasions through dreams

Witness to fantastic revelations in visions of light (eternal spiritual pedia)

Experiencing and manipulating the astral light to manifest circumstances and events

Empowering crystals, sigils, talismans, amulets, and other objects

Divining current and future circumstances through Tarot and direct visionary ritual

Manifesting people into my life needed for my specific path

Purifying, empowering and creating incredible change in personality

Experiencing psychokinetic influences with fire and other natural objects

Some exploration into remote viewing and clairaudience

Connecting with the currents and Geo-magnetic fields of nature

Invoking the spirits of nature and their vast archetypal agency

Witnessing to the immortality of our undying indestructible nature

I hope to see you study other aspects of our school besides my personal history and practice. A great place to start is in our Central Doctrine. Click here.


infinite being

Polytheistic Monism - Divine Theurgy - Oracle to the Gods

“ineffable, hidden, brilliant scion, whose motion is whirring, you scattered the dark mist that lay before your eyes and, flapping your wings, you whirled about, and through this world, you brought pure light.”